Most orders consisting of 50-60 spools take approximately 7 to 10 regular working days from start to finish. This is dependent on shop scheduling and any grinding requirements at the beginning of the job.

We can internally coat 20-foot single random joint flange-to-flange on two-inch and 40-foot double random joints on three-inch and up.

Only one directional turn is allowed per fabricated pipe spool. Please contact a Brother’s representative for further information on Fabricated Design for Coated piping.

Yes, for a fee, we can perform grinding and radius of flange edges. This is usually done on piping we are contracted to internally line.

We have special in-house designed lances for our grinders.

The flange bore is required to be 1/8″ radius to give the coating a continuous surface for the coating between the flange bore and the flange gasket.This helps to prevent coating failures at the bore to gasket surface interface.

Yes. Our coatings are force cured as per the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Absolutely. We apply coatings for above grade equipment exposed to UV light, below grade coating systems for underground piping and equipment, coating for under insulation as well as high temperature requirements.

Yes. Every job we ship, goes out the door with a copy of the Quality Control and coating report.

You bet. We have both a six-ton and a 10-ton forklift.

Yes, we have two gates that allow for easy pull-through service without the hassles of having to turn around.

Absolutely. Our coatings are solid and free of any defects. You won’t find any pinholes, cracks, or improper adhesion. We have an extensive QC/QA process to make sure the integrity of our coatings remain 100% Holiday Free.

Yes we do. We offer three 100% solid alternatives to fusion bonded epoxy. We spray Novocoat SC2200, Novocoat R200 & Denso Protal 7250.

Yes. We spray Novocoat SC2200, Novocoat R200 & Denso Protal 7250, 100% solids epoxy that are not only alternates to fusion bonded epoxy but also can compliment it as an overcoat, having excellent adhesion properties to both FBE and bare steel.

No. It is a different application process that involves a different set of systems and equipment that we do not currently use.

You bet. These would be recommended on a case-by-case basis, depending on the service requirements.

Talk To Us About Your Next Project

We’ve been supplying the oil and gas and water treatment industries with corrosion prevention for close to three decades. If there’s an application you’ve been wondering about, chances are we’ve been there and done that.

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